Baby Advice For New Parents

When you become a first-time mother, it is essential to know important Baby Advice For New Parents for taking care of a newborn baby. Caring for a baby requires special attention to its food, nutrition and hygiene.

Here we are telling some essential baby care tips for baby care from 1 month to 1.2 years Baby Care Tips. Baby Care Tips The first step is to keep yourself clean. Because the cleanliness of the mother makes the child healthy. Before holding the newborn baby in your lap, wash your hands and also clean your clothes. Be sure to change your clothes if you are coming from the bathroom or outside.

Baby Advice For New Parents

  1. Handling a newborn baby

Make sure everyone who handles your baby has clean hands. Support your baby’s head and neck. Never move your newborn. Remember not to throw your newborn in the air.

  1. Child care

All newborns should be massaged with baby massage oil, it strengthens the baby’s muscles and bones. When you massage, don’t be too vigorous, massage with a light hand.

  1. Sleep basics

Newborn babies actually sleep for about 16 hours or more. Newborn babies usually sleep for 2-4 hours. Most babies sleep between 6-8 hours a night by the age of 3 months. It is important to always put babies to sleep on their backs to reduce the risk of SIDS. Be sure to change the position of your baby’s head first to the right, then to the left, etc., to avoid developing a flat spot on one side of the head.

  1. Baby’s response

You should see your baby’s arms and legs moving in a disconnected manner. Gradually your baby will learn how to control his movements. Look into your baby’s eyes and smile in response to his smiles. You should see your baby reacting positively to your facial expressions, movements and gestures.

  1. Talk to your baby

Talk to your baby in a soft voice. Father, mother and other caregivers should communicate with the newborn baby. You will notice that he can hear and will soon start memorizing and copying your words.

1-6 Month Old Baby Advice For New Parents

  1. Baby’s response

Provide ways for your child to see, hear, feel, move freely, and touch you. Your baby will gradually establish trust in you. Move colorful objects slowly for your child to see and reach. A simple, household toy, a rattle, can attract your baby’s interest with its sound.

  1. Laugh with your baby.

You should soon see your baby smiling. Talk to your baby and copy his sounds or gestures. We should gradually make him focus on our face and try to imitate us.

  1. Help the baby follow the object.

When he sees it, move it slowly from side to side and up and down. You should see him trying to follow the Object with his eyes. Encourage your baby to reach for the object. Try something like a plastic cup. You should see him trying to grab or touch him.

  1. Play with your baby

Cuddle the baby. Play games at different speeds. Playing with the baby helps in its development. He starts laughing. He starts to know how we talk. He starts reacting.

6-9 month Baby Advice For New Parents

  1. Name your baby as much as possible.

He will pay attention to see who is calling his name and try to reach that person. Never speak or sing loudly, as this can frighten babies. Smile as much as possible and give your baby comfort and confidence.

  1. Increase baby’s curiosity

Give your child clean, safe and colorful objects, such as a wooden spoon or plastic bowl, to reach and touch. Make simple picture books, puzzles, dolls to stimulate your baby’s curiosity and help him learn new things.

  1. Child care

Turn on Baby Patal Anan. such as the water of Varana, Sup. Pay attention to his nutrition. Gradually reduce breastfeeding.

9-12 month Old Baby Care tips-

  1. Play hide and seek with your baby

See if he finds the objects you have hidden. You can hide something under the cloth and make it clean. You should increase your baby’s curiosity and desire to find out what happened to the object.

  1. Show your baby how to speak with his hands.

Teach the baby to say “bye bye”. Soon your baby will try to imitate you and “bye-bye” himself. Draw eyes, nose and mouth on the doll. After showing an area on the doll, touch the same area on yourself and your baby. Take your baby’s hand and let him touch the eyes, nose and mouth on the doll, you and yourself. Gradually, the baby will be able to remember and recognize the different words and associate them with his body parts

1-2 year Old Baby Care tips

  1. Child’s sport

Give your baby things to put in and take out of the container. She will try to get them out and bring them back on her own. Which is great for developing eye and hand skills. Let your toddler keep things. He must try to stack more things on his own or things will stack without falling down.

  1. Ask your baby simple questions

Respond to your baby’s attempts to speak. She should respond. Try talking to your baby about different objects, including nature, pictures and things in the environment. Watch what your baby does and ask him about it.

  1. Play with your baby

While working at or near meals or bathing, use every opportunity to engage in conversation. He should soon begin to understand what you are saying. Turn simple questions into games: “Where’s your toe?” or “Where is the bird?”. Talk about what the baby sees and hears.

  1. Baby shower

Bath time is a good activity. But you may notice that your one-year-old is more active than ever in the bathtub. This is because they have learned a lot of new skills by now – standing, pulling and possibly walking. And now you’re watching them practice their new skills in the bathtub. Bathe the baby first and then let them play. Don’t clean your baby’s skin but keep it healthy. After the bath, wrap them in a towel, give them a light massage and hydrate their skin with body lotion.