How To Swaddle A Baby With Safety

How To Swaddle A Baby is very crucial information that each and every newborn baby’s mother must know. When the grandmother wraps the newborn baby tightly in cloth, the baby’s mother suffers a lot. The mother fears that her baby may be in excruciating pain from being wrapped tightly in clothes. But did you know? Wrapped in clothes, the newborn feels the safety and warmth of the womb. Wrapped in cotton cloth, the baby feels safe in the amniotic bag in the womb.

This also makes the baby fall into a deep sleep easily. But not all babies like to be wrapped in clothes. Then their body starts moving or they start crying, or they try to make you aware of this through other signals. But wrapping a newborn baby in cloth is beneficial for his health. Let’s know the detailed information about this

Steps – How To Swaddle A Baby

  • Take a cotton cloth and fold it into a triangular/rectangular shape and spread the cloth on the bed. Any one of the vertices of this cloth should be on your side and the front side should be on the opposite side facing you.
  • Now make the baby sleep on his back in the middle of the cloth. Keep both his arms straight. His neck and head should be outside the garment.
  • Tuck the left side of the cloth over the baby’s left shoulder to the right side. In this, the baby’s arms, legs, and stomach should be properly covered.
  • After this, take the right end of the cloth from the right shoulder of the baby to the back from the left and bring it in front of the knees.

5 After the baby is well wrapped in the cloth on both sides, make sure that both ends are tucked in and tie the cloth in a neat knot near the feet. Do not try to straighten the baby’s legs by force while swaddling.

Take care of these things

  • Always put the baby on its back while swaddling.
  • Take a cloth that is large enough to cover the baby’s legs and back. Because the baby should not have any difficulty during breathing.
  • Make sure that the baby’s clothes are not wet. Do not make the mistake of covering the baby’s face and neck.
  • Keep in mind that the baby should not be wrapped too tightly and not too loosely. A loose wrap may cover the baby’s face and neck. This will make him/her feel suffocated. On the other hand, if the baby is wrapped too tightly, it will be difficult for the baby to breathe and it will not be possible to move.
  • Do not use thick sheets.
  • Wrapped in a cloth, the baby sleeps soundly. At this time, pay attention to the baby too.
  • The important thing is to take the baby out of the clothes while breastfeeding. Because the mother’s touch is necessary. Touch helps strengthen the bond between mother and baby.
  • Don’t make the mistake of putting your baby on his stomach while swaddling him.
  • The baby should not be wrapped in clothes too tightly or too loosely.
  • Do not compare your baby’s habits and behavior with other children.
  • You can stop swaddling the baby after he/she starts moving back and forth.
  • Because keeping him/her wrapped can cause difficulties in turning so-and-so. Moreover, they are also afraid of suffocation.

When you should stop swaddling baby

Every baby has different habits and needs. So don’t compare your baby with other’s babies. Your baby’s preferences, behavior, and growth are different from those of other babies his age. It is not necessary that your baby also feels warm and safe in the clothes. After the baby is wrapped in a cloth, it receives some cues from you. If the baby is moving his arms and legs frequently to get out of the clothes, it means that he/she does not like to stay in the clothes.